Escapade: An Unusual Experience

Escapade: An Unusual Experience Escapade: An Unusual Experience
Thursday, Sep 13 | 9:00 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2018
Performances at 7:00 and 9:00; Doors Open 30 Minutes Before Each Performance

General Admission $25 / Center Members $20 / Students & Youth $15

Dance, music, drag – kick off PRIDE New Haven with a performance of Escapade: An Unusual Experience. Join us for this one night only engagement commissioned for PRIDE New Haven, created and directed by Luis Antonio.

Featuring the talents of Luis Antonio, Karelys Bleau, Selena DuSoileil, Vivienne LaFlamme, Kiki Lucia, Rory Roux Heart, Sassie Saltimboca, and Sorcia Warhol.